Having grown up what feels like 4000 miles inland, the sea is still fascinating to me, and having friends that live 'on holiday' is even better! So following a stressful few weeks I descended on my friend Byrony (yes, I meant to spell it that way) to visit her in Falmouth, Cornwall. Having been there before, I knew I liked it, and the second time was even better. Quiet but not dull, slow paced but lively, small but so much to do - I pretty much need to move there now! Even though it was overcast it was still beautiful.
And when you see nature like that, big, unstoppable, beautiful, you realise all the day to day petty bollocks is actually so not relevant, and we should just concentrate on enjoying life! Yes I realise I sound like a crazy hippy, but I feel sooo positive right now and I'm loving it!
Thanks Byrony, Flikk and Emily! If I'm not back soon you have permission to rip me like a wet beer mat!