Tuesday 23 August 2011

What Katie Did...

Grrr! Argh! Damn! Blast!  I write to you today from my bed, not where i had originally intended to be.
Right now i should be wondering around London with my fabulous BFF Stephen, drinking skinny mochas  and G&T's, and visiting what promises to be a gorgeous exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery.  Alas no; thanks to my student railcard's decision to jump ship from my purse to a place nobody knows i have paid £22 to go to Birmingham today-less fun.

Oh well...I've been a bit quiet on fun days out recently.  The last thing i went to see was The Home of Metal  exhibition about a month ago which was very fun!  It resembled walking through my Nan's house and entering a world of bluesy rock and fan craziness!  I wish it was the 60's, i would have hung around in Smethwick like a bad smell trying to find Robert Plant :)

In an attempt to feel a little more intellectual with TV i decided to stop watching Drop The Dead Donkey reruns for an hour and half (this was difficult, its like tv crack to me) and threw on The Man Who Crossed Hitler, the story of the brave Hans Litten who dared to cross the Fuhrer in the courts.  Watching a man so boldly fight for freedom and democracy in dangerous times makes the recent rioting in this country look even more embarrassing.  Pick your cause and fight for it with fire your belly kids, not for some bad trainers.

Rant over, thanks for listening!