Friday, 6 July 2012

Annnd I'm back!

Dear Listener,

Having taken a rather long hiatus due to general laziness, I have returned!
And I come to you from a new mysterious place, the realms of which are still quite uncharted to me...yes that's right, I now live in 'the North'!  Lancaster to be specific!
I have decided to take another obscure course and return to university, as one bout of rampant liver abuse and general debauchery was in fact not enough for me!  Although this time I have gone 3 months early, for I wish to get this 'fear' and do something different.  So far it would appear I have moved to the 'Guildford of the North' (cobbled streets, farmers market, coffee house every 20 get where I'm going).  But alas!  This shall be fun!
Now my first step is to get behind a bar again, god I genuinely do miss being covered in beer and aching, I think that's the masochist in me but if this the extent of it then I guess that's pretty safe!  After that I intend to dance, paint and make the usual steps into becoming a hippy...anyone for hemp?

In the meantime, I shall take this Winding Wheel drinkers anthem and walk around skipping!  Thank you to all you Wheelers who've provided me with entertainment, drinking, banter and wonderful friendships this past year, miss ya already!

Loves n stuff!

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